A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

Archive for September, 2008

Good bye Bombay!

Posted by Pepper on September 10, 2008

3 more days and I leave this place. Leave behind the people I love, leave behind the city I love. My mind sways in different directions. I deal with the heartbreak of parting with my family, that is most precious to me, and with the excitement that comes with exploring new shores. Well, more than the place, I’m looking forward to a different life.

But what if I don’t see some of these people again? Is it really worth leaving them? And what about the support structure that keeps me running, how will I do without that?
And yes, I am surprised by the overwhelming response I’ve got from friends. People have been calling me, telling me the nicest things, asking me to meet them for a little while, appreciating me, telling me how I made a difference to their life.

I’m trying my best to meet as many people as I can, but with just 3 days in my hands and so much to be done, I really don’t know how much time I can afford to give. Every moment is packed with so much action, and I’ve been told stuff like getting an appointment with the President is easier than getting an appointment with me. Sigh.
And the gifts! Oh the gifts. And the cards. They’ve written the sweetest things about me. I’m so touched.

It means a lot when people you’ve hardly been in touch with call you up and wish you luck and tell you how much you meant to them. I am pleasantly surprised by the goodwill people seem to have for me. I never realised people had this kind of regard for me. It is good to be so appreciated 🙂

And yet again, I come back to the same thing. My family. How will I do without them, and more importantly, how will they do without me? What about my little sis? Ma and pa? grandma? friends? We all learn to live, that is true. But is this whole thing worth it? Shouldn’t I be around if at all they need me? Well, it is a web I’ve spun for myself.

For now, I need to take a deep breath and go with the flow. Its time to test the sails. UK, here I come.

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