A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

Archive for March, 2019

What happened?

Posted by Pepper on March 28, 2019

Blogging seems to be a dying medium. It’s like all the active players have left the field. I refresh my WordPress reader often and rarely ever see a new post from the people I would like to see a post from. If you compare this to the buzzing world that blogging once was, the difference is glaring.

What changed? Did people get bored? Did I get bored? What made me stop writing, or come down to one post a year? I certainly don’t think our lives got busier. I mean, they sure did, but I don’t know if being busy is the sole deterrent to writing?

Did people move on to other mediums? Is it the age of Instagram now? Has your IG account become your new blog? I was surprised to see some Instagram folks calling themselves bloggers. For a moment, I actually looked around to see if I could find their blog URL And then I realised, they were referring to their Instagram account as their blog, and they called themselves bloggers. When did this shift happen?

I’m really not sure why I quit writing here. All I know is that I miss it like crazy and I feel lame repeating the same thing over and over again and yet remaining absent. I have no reasons to give. I don’t know what holds me back. I have unlearnt how to write.

And so I am throwing myself in the deep end with the hope that I learn to swim again. I am taking up the April A-Z challenge, where I hope to write every day from Monday to Saturday in the month of April. I have taken up this challenge in the past and failed miserably, so I have no clue how it will go this time. But try I will.

If you join me, I will be delighted. Even if you don’t want to deal with the stress of a ‘challenge’, just resolve to post as often as you can in the month of April maybe? I am longing not just to write, but also have some meaty blogposts to read.

And if you don’t want to deal with any of that, please do stop by at some point, reconnect in the comment space and tell me how your life has been? I am also going to try and crawl around the blog world and check in on you, if I can. So either way, hope to connect with you soon.


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