A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

When you got to do it alone

Posted by Pepper on April 7, 2021

It’s been rough around here. A few days ago, Mint had a bad fall. Well, the floor was wet and he tripped and crash landed on his arm. It injured his shoulder and he has his arm in a sling.

With him being unavailable, my responsibilities have doubled up. This is probably the first time in my life I have had to get through without him. Seriously, I took for granted just how much he did. Now other than cooking, cleaning, managing all the miscellaneous work, chasing and feeding two kids, I also have to do drop offs and pick ups, grocery, dishes, brushing the brats, bathing them, doing all the bum wiping, there is no end.

In the midst of all this, the one thing that constantly makes me smile is the love and care shown to me by my parents. They are concerned about Mint, but hoping that adequate rest will mend him. As for me, they keep messaging me to check on me, worrying that I look too tired, feeling helpless that they can can’t be with me to take over some load, wising me strength. My mama and papa are my angels, they try to watch over me even across continents.

9 Responses to “When you got to do it alone”

  1. Keith said

    Best wishes to you and Mint. Keith

  2. Oh My God! Its not easy at all! Hang in there Pepper and I hope Mint will get better soon.

  3. That sounds like stressful times. Can’t you outsource cooking? I’ve heard there are Indian families that deliver food for payment in the US? Or don’t you want to risk that during pandemic times?
    Perhaps packets of ready-to-eat items like MTR Bisibelebath for a periodic break? And bread?
    There’s no workaround bum wiping, though.
    Hang in there. Get enough sleep. don’t do any work that is not absolutely essential. Like cleaning etc. Those can wait.

  4. Aarti said

    take care Pepper. Wishing Mint a speedy recovery .

  5. Visha said

    Take some time to relax too Pepper, hope Mint gets well soon!

  6. Laila said

    I hear you… have had to do this pre-pandemic time when husband had to travel for work. Had to manage errands, work, long commutes, daycare routine etc. for my son while being pregnant with the second one at the time. It was EXHAUSTING!
    Hope things get back to normal soon.

  7. Neeha said

    Sorry about Mint’s fall. Hope he recovers soon. Sending you love and strength 🙂

  8. Hey Pepper, hope Mint recovers fast and hugs to you.

  9. The Bride said

    Yikes! Can only imagine how hard it is with twins. Hang in there!

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