A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

So where did you guys meet?

Posted by Pepper on July 23, 2011

Ask any couple and they’ll tell you that that is one question that comes up again and again. I guess it is natural for people to be curious, especially if you’ve not had an arranged marriage. From what I’ve seen, there are a few standard replies to this question.

In the first scenario, the girl and guy meet in school or college, and then fall in love. This is one of the most common scenarios. Probably because the environment is so conducive to dating. Β The other scenario is where the girl and guy meet at their work place. Dating colleagues is not a very uncommon phenomenon either. In the third scenario, it is a mutual friend who introduces the said girl and guy. Other than that, there are couples who meet because they lived in the sameΒ neighborhood, or at a family wedding or event, or through extended family. All of these are very acceptable responses to the much dreaded question of where the couple met.

In our case, Mint and I have such diverse backgrounds that it makes it very easy for anyone to guess that our match was not arranged. So we often find ourselves facing this question, where the audience is waiting to hear the beginning of our story with coy smiles. And this is where I find myself stuck. These are times when I wish I could say we met in college, or through a common friend or whatever. How cool would that sound? Speaking the truth makes me feel like some weird freak. I suppose most of you know that Mint and I ‘met’ each other on the blog. His blog to be specific. And most of the time, saying this to others makes me feel really awkward. It is worse when the question is being asked by an elderly relative. Either they’ve never heard of the word ‘blog’, or they are vaguely familiar with the word but do not really understand the concept behind it. If you do try explaining it to them, they just dismiss it and say ‘Oh, so say that no, you met on the internet‘. This usually gets me quite mad. Chatting with random strangers on the internet or being part of these dating sites online is very different from being friends with a person whose blog you’ve been reading for a while. Blogs are sacred. You get to know so much about the person authoring them. It tells you about their attitudes, their perspectives, their way of life, and so much more. If you’ve been reading a blog for some time, then you do feel that you actually knowΒ  the person behind it. So when people look at me and say ‘you met on the internet’ and put me in the same category as those losers who talk to random unknown people online, it galls me.

During my last trip to India, I was talking to a lady who happened to be a family friend of my in laws. She looked at me and said, ‘So you two met during a college fest right?’. I was going to deny it and correct it, when it struck me that that could have been the version the in laws have given her. So I just smiled, said a yes and changed the subject. But it made me think. If I find it so hard to answer this question, it must be so much harder for the parents to give the true explanation to people who ask. Poor things. Sigh!

Last night we were having dinner with her (and H and Paapu). Now is when I tell you what a terrific time we had. There was an event going on in downtown where we met up. They had a live band, the farmers market and other activities going on. We met, chatted, enjoyed the band, sipped some free wine and made our way to the Greek restaurant where our booking had been made. The whole evening was filled with laughter and lively conversation. And of course, Paapu, like always stole the show. Β Oh well, back to what I was saying. During the course of the conversation, it came up again. H looked up to us and asked us how we met. For some strange reason, I didn’t really feel awkward this time and I told him we met on the blog. Of course, that sparked off another discussion on blogging in general where H and Mint took turns in making fun of blogging and the whole concept. Yes, Mint, who once used to blog himself now makes fun of it all. He said it used to interest him at that time because blogging was relatively new then. Now it is stale. Ah, whatever.

Today morning, I went and opened Mint’s blog and reread all his posts again. And it brought a big, big smile to my face. Reading about his college and hostel life, his rants during exam time, his take on life and all that left me grinning from ear to ear. I wish I could give out his blog url here, but he was not an anonymous blogger so that prevents me from directing anybody there. Anyway, reading his blog now gave me yet another opportunity to meet the guy that he used to be at that time. I realised yet again, how wonderful blogging really is. Had I met him in any other way, I wouldn’t have been able to go back in time like that and relive those moments of his life. The next time somebody asks me how we met, I am going to answer them with pride.

So where did you guys meet?

80 Responses to “So where did you guys meet?”

  1. Deboshree said

    That’s so cute. πŸ˜€ Meeting your life partner in the blogging world sounds too good to be true but considering the scenario, very insightful. Like you said, there’s a lot that can be deduced from the way a person blogs… or writes in general…
    I also get how it can feel a little weird talking about it to the people from the pre-web world. They consider ‘meeting on the internet’ very new-world, shallow. And explanations can get tiresome.
    It must be a great feeling going through those old memories… especially when you know they’ll forever remain. πŸ˜€

  2. ajay said

    It’s amazing and wonderful to know that blogging has been crucial to your life. πŸ™‚ (I suppose it’s not an overstatement.) It is sacred indeed. It’s been a year since I started blogging and I love it all the more now. I’ve discovered many awesome blogs and also got to know a few people through blogging! What more can one ask for? Reading and writing was never this pleasing. πŸ™‚

  3. Bikram said

    Lucky you.
    I am awaiting to meet someonu or the someone to meet me via blog. And I post often too and put pics tooo
    Oooops oh god now I know the bulb went on.. My pics no wonder no onw wants to meet me…. Quivk I need to remove alll those then maybe who knows πŸ™‚

    So thats how you guys met hmmmm so basically internet ha ha ha ha πŸ˜›

  4. Tanishka said

    Awww…… Trust me your’s is the coolest story and so you should let people know how unique is your story… In fact your story can make a cute book too…. πŸ™‚

  5. S said

    awwww.. that is such a cute story!
    i didn’t know that!!

    now after being married to him.. it must be so awesome re-living those moments of just being “blog-friends” by reading his blog now.. especially your comments πŸ™‚ soooooo coool !!!

    coolest romantic story ever πŸ˜‰

    • Pepper said

      I feel really bad about this. The comments on his blog were powered by some site which shut down. As a result he lost all the comments of his blog..

  6. Ashwathy said

    I totally understand what you mean. I was once in love with someone whom I met through blogs. It came to the point where I wanted to tell friends and my own parents the details…..and I faced the same issue…being branded as ‘net pals’ or chat buddies. So I quite know what you are talking about.
    It matters only till the point when you tell other people. But I think after a point it’s all superficial. What ppl think is not why you two got together in the first place, if u know what I mean πŸ™‚

    Wish I could read Mint’s blog though…. I’m sure it must be quite a read πŸ™‚

    • Pepper said

      Oh so you do know how it is… But like you said, beyond a certain point, it doesn’t matter. πŸ™‚
      How’s the new life babe? Shoot me a mail and we’ll talk there..

  7. Scribby said

    aha so what’s the address to Mint’s blog lady??? πŸ˜€

    Well me and H met in the college but unlike your first case scenario..there is a twist in the tale πŸ˜‰

    P.S. jealous jealous that you met pappu 😦 lol but good to hear you guys had so much fun..blogging sure is super,it brings cool people together,does it not? *look at both of us,we became friends through blogs and I’m glad that we know each other :)*

  8. anuthati said

    i added you in my blog list. hope you dont mind. here is the link: http://anuthati.blogspot.com/


  9. School. We were in the same drama group to be lead by me. Guess who I made the hero and the heroine?! πŸ˜€

    You are seeing Paapu too much. Not fair. 😐

    • Pepper said

      I know you guys met in school. Like I said, its one of the most common ways to meet. What a hassle free response you must be having when people ask..And how cool, I picture you two in the lead roles πŸ˜€
      Ya, I do get to see Paapu, πŸ˜€ Why don’t you come over so you can see her too?

  10. Meena said

    wow!.. very interesting :)..I made some really good friends blogging….some of them I’ve never really met in the flesh, but yet I feel i know them I know them better than some other I know in real life..
    But your story is indeed intriguing πŸ™‚

  11. R's Mom said

    Errr….RD came to my house to ‘see’ me after our horoscopes had matched and his father gave him a go ahead…hey you know what, I should do this..’where did I meet RD’ thing on my blog… πŸ™‚

    I loved the way you met up with Mint..I dont know of ANYONE else who met over a blog and fell in love…awwww! isnt that cute…hugs to both of you

  12. Pixie said

    I think that how you guys met is perfect and romantic! πŸ™‚

    Ours is quite quite common – best friends in college, grew to love each other (can’t say, we fell in love! because we both thought the other was quite arrogant at first!! :P) .. went on to get married! πŸ™‚

    Blogging is a Blessing! I have so many real friends because of this wonderful thing!! πŸ™‚

  13. RS said

    That last paragraph is so Awww πŸ™‚ And Its so much easier for me then – we met in college :-)BUT it was NOT love at first site! Rather more closer to ‘Irritation at first site!’

  14. Rohini said

    How cool that you met through his blog! Our was a cliched campus love story πŸ™‚

    • Pepper said

      Oh campus love stories are cliched, but they’re the most charming stories to hear. We have a million books and movies revolving around them for a reason πŸ™‚

  15. Awwww what a beautiful story πŸ™‚ Loved it!
    Yes, meeting someone through a blog and just randomly chatting with someone on the Internet are two very different things. I go through the same dilemma when I talk to people about the friends I have made through my blog.
    Ah! Greek restaurants and farmer’s festival sounds like super fun. Would love to see it all sometime.
    I wish you could give out the URL of Mint’s previous blog here, too, but understand your reasons for not doing so. And, yes, a blog is a beautiful way of remembering your past. πŸ™‚ Can totally relate to that.

    • Pepper said

      Like I said, bringing in the blog while talking to people makes the whole conversation awkward πŸ™‚
      Yep, you should try and make a trip here sometime if you can. But then people used to tell me this all the time when I lived in India, and I always told them I couldn’t afford it, so if they’re sponsoring my ticket, then we shall talk πŸ˜› Its so fricking expensive.. Sigh..

  16. scorpria said

    Aaah, this is sooo good!
    I didn’t know that you guys met on the blog.

    And hey, pass me the link via mail — i promise not to leave nay comments πŸ˜€ Suraj never blogged. If I read Mint’s I may be able to visualize Suraj’s non-existent blog of those times πŸ˜€ πŸ˜€ Howzzat?

    • Pepper said

      Lol.. Okay, let’s talk on mail. But I think Mint seemed like a different person at that time.. different from what he is now with me. So I am not sure you’d be able to visualise Suraj’s blog πŸ˜€ ..

  17. Divya said

    nice post. so what is the URL for his blog πŸ˜‰

  18. Sig said

    Hahaha…it’s a lovely story. Love in the modern ages πŸ˜€

    Evs and I met…typically…in university. BUT the story of how we got together is interesting indeed πŸ˜› And I can’t believe that it’s been 10 years πŸ˜€

    I do understand though – I met Jups (http://jupiterjuice.blogspot.com) in person here in HK and telling people how we met has been the same awkwardness hahah.

    • Pepper said

      Oh nice. It’s been 10 yrs? Its been 8 yrs since I met Mint and even that seems liek forever when I think about it .
      Yes, bringing in the blog while explaining to people usually does make it awkward. Lol..

  19. Richa said

    Oh you guys have a very interesting story. Meeting through your blog. Its just wow. Shows how much you guys must be having in common. πŸ™‚

    • Pepper said

      We actually don’t have too much in common. Even blogging, he quit quite a few years ago.. Very few interests of our interests match. But then.. that’s what makes living together ‘fun’ πŸ˜›

  20. Reading your post has left with a smile and a query. As someone who is looking to get hitched soon (I am searching for a bride) I do not know where to look. Having been blogging for couple of years now I feel I have more friends here than in real world and my thoughts do gel with some other bloggers who understand the real me and my world. So can i get lucky around here?

    PS I do agree with your hubby that blogging yeras back, guess blogs started 10-12 years back, was much more fun

    • Pepper said

      Lol! Can you get lucky? Of course you can! Anybody can for that matter. In our case, I used to be a lurker on Mint’s blog. One fine day I decided to comment on one of his posts. That is how we started interacting and then went on to become good friends. But we were ‘just friends’ for about 5 years before we started seeing each other. So things just happen if and when they have to. You never know.. πŸ™‚

  21. Vijesh and I met at office(he was my junior at office :P), but er, the sparks came, serial-lights glowed for Vijesh when he started reading my blog(the one where I was not anonymous and didn’t care much for privacy)!

    I absolutely enjoy talking/emailing/chatting with blog friends, more than many I’ve actually met! I think one important reason is that you do get to see the other person’s mind – what makes them tick, fears, small victories, prejudice – all of which makes us human and somehow defines us! I usually become silent(especially on that horrible invention called phone) when I’m talking to someone for the very first time – but so far, all my first time phone conversations with blog friends(they aren’t many, but stil!) went off really well!!

    • Pepper said

      Oh so the blog played a tiny role in your story too. Awesome.
      Yes, that’s what I meant. There is a certain level of comfort when you’re talking to bloggers. And it always shows in your conversations πŸ™‚

  22. πŸ™‚ So sweet! πŸ™‚
    I haven’t “met” anyone yet, but I’ll keep this post in mind when I do! πŸ˜€

  23. It was so much fun alright! And this is for the rest of the gang who reads here – Pepper wore a teeny weeny dress and looked absolutely stunning..deriving extra glances from people around πŸ˜€

    About the “..internet..” response: when my cousin asked us how did we ( you and me) know each other, I replied with the “internet..” answer to keep the blog and anonymity factor. What else could be told na?

    • Pepper said

      *Blushes* Thanks so much babe! πŸ˜€
      Oh ya.. at that time, nothing else can be told.. I usually say internet while referring to blog friends too, cos I don’t want anybody to know I blog. All that is okay, it gets a little messy when you talk about your partner and bring in the blog.. πŸ™‚

  24. neha said

    Its cool you guys met through blogs! (have been following your blog for a while, and still didnt know this 😦 ). I feel the concept of blogging is still not respected enough.. I have seen how people comment that blogging is for people who have nothing else to do 😐 .. it really makes me mad .. I also feel that the concept of “meeting online” is looked down upon 😦 . What is the harm if you meet the love of your life online?! But i guess these concepts are still new, especially to elderly folks.
    To answer your question.. The hub and I met at grad school πŸ™‚ . Took classes together, did assignments together and the like.. thats how it all started πŸ˜‰ . Hardly anything exciting in this, i know, except to us πŸ™‚

    • neha said

      gee! 6 smileys in such a short comment! 😐

    • Pepper said

      You didn’t know? I think I wrote about the whole story in good detail a while ago. Its there somewhere in my archives and I am too lazy to dig it out.
      You’re so right. Blogging is not really respected. People look at bloggers, (esp the girls), as though they belong to some kitty party group.
      And you met at Grad school? Totally cool. So many people who commented have met in school. And of course, it is exciting! Every story is.. πŸ™‚

      Lol! You counted the smileys.. That’s cute πŸ˜€

  25. I met R when we were in South Africa on an assignment and we were sharing same apartment. I don’t know when I started loving him, but it was hard to ignore when he is around. I started feeling more for him when I returned back to Inida, next time we met we knew we wanted each other for rest of our lives. We stayed almost 2 years together before we got married. I hope my in laws and parents don’t read your blog πŸ™‚

    • Pepper said

      Ohh! Yours is one cool story LF. Very interesting and somewhat unusual.. You’ve even experienced the excitement of living together. Wow..
      I would love to hear more about it all some day..

  26. Sands said

    The next time someone asks try telling them it was arranged and you met literally weeks before the wedding. Their expression is always precious. I should know considering that is true in my case and have seen those expressions πŸ˜‰

  27. divday said

    Well mine was a set up one. My husband set my dentist up with his childhood friend and in retrun she set him up with me.
    I met him along with 5 other guys and did not have a clue on which guy i am supposed to be meeting. Was a funny experience. The way you guys met is sweet. He should have liked you a lot to stay in touch for a long time and in the end changed ur mind. Very sweet.

  28. Kunal said


    Read this post and the entire comments thereafter. And your story is so freakingly cool and awesome and unique and more!!. Life works in mysterious ways and it is such a high when something truly amazing happens with you or someone you know. And believe me I feel somehow..enriched to know your story. Its Legendary. :P. Added this blog to my list.

    • Pepper said

      Actually, I haven’t even written about my story here (that’s in another post).. I only spoke about where met in this one… And even that seems so cool to people. I am elated!

  29. soulmate said

    This is the best love story I have ever read… Its so amazing.. I loved every bit of it.. You never know, one day one of our romantic movie makers would get an idea from this and turn it into a blockbuster… πŸ™‚
    Even I have made a couple of good friends through blog, and now I am so very thankful to this blogging world…

  30. revsjoiedevivre said

    SIGH! 😐 Big big SIGH!

  31. Chiquita said

    Gosh, I always awwwwwed at all your romance and never asked you how did you guys meet! This has got to be the most unique mush story I’ve heard. It’s beautiful. It’s like a new string of hope…if it’s meant to be…you’ll find it in the most unexpected ways…so true. I wish we could read Mint’s blog at some point. But this is soo awwwwww. And really, I’m going to continue blogging….who knows…he might be out there πŸ˜‰

  32. Free Spirit said

    Hi Pepper,

    That was a cute love story, and you know what, even I’m not comfortable telling people I met IM at my workplace, I don’t know, I feel weird. I always felt it would have been better had we met in school/college, but anyway, that is the last thing I would bother about. Wish we had the entire story. πŸ˜‰

  33. nisha said

    Lol! I met my husband online some 8 years back.. and we both are no losers πŸ˜€
    Just kidding.. its only a perspective.. so nevermind

    • Pepper said

      Oops! I apologise for my reckless use of words. I didn’t mean to comment or pass judgments on people who met online really. πŸ˜€
      I’m so sorry..

  34. Swaram said

    Awww hw I wish we cud all read his blog πŸ™‚

  35. Rambler said

    I have always believed that blogs can be a way of knowing a person to a very great extent. People who know me in person for years do not know me as well as few people who have been reading my blogs, because they get to read the inner most thoughts of mine.
    Its really nice to know how you guys have met through the blog and known each other. Isn’t it all about knowing about each other, be it in person or on the net.

    • Pepper said

      It is all about knowing each other.. In our case, the blogs were only the starting point. We were introduced to each other through our blogs, but after that, we got to know each other in person. πŸ™‚

  36. Wow, that sounds like a love story our future generations might strike a cord with! :d…but our parents and aunties…i dont think so 😦
    I met my prince on the internet too :)…not blogs, a social networking site πŸ™‚ . (I’m guessing you wont judge me here! We were from the same college n stuff…only the ‘meeting’ part happened online :))
    n i swear! Internet dating is not as bad as it sounds! Infact, you get to know the person so much better when you get to read the stuff he pens down from his heart! So much better than the usual dating stories, i would say!

    • Pepper said

      OF course I wouldn’t judge you! Why would I? You’re right! Internet dating is not as bad as it sounds. Unfortunately, most people think online dating is only reserved for jobless psychos.

  37. sharell said

    I hate having to answer this question and to tell people that we met in a bar! hehe. It has “bad” connotations right from the start in India.

    You story is sweet though. πŸ™‚

    • Pepper said

      ROTFL. I can imagine how bad it must be for you in India, if you go about telling people you met your husband in a bar. If I were you, I would just say we met in a restaurant. Lol.

  38. […] Comments i got inspired by pepper‘s post on “So where did you guysΒ meet?” post. so here i am posting my story […]

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