A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

Archive for September 21st, 2010

Lurkers Anonymous

Posted by Pepper on September 21, 2010

So you know those bloggers, who silently float around the blogosphere after ensuring they are securely zipped up in their invisible cloaks? One’s that make you wonder about the unknown visitor you have from some place you never thought you had any connection with? One’s that add to your traffic and make your stat counters look estimable? But the one’s that continue to be unidentified strangers for you? The one’s that help you take pride in presenting to the world, the ‘number of hits’ you’ve had? That’s me. I am that nameless someone who has been reading you for eons. The one who knows a lot about you. The one you know nothing about. 

Why do I hide? I’m not too sure. Probably because I think people who comment are the one’s who want to gain some readership themselves, or they have something significant or intelligent to say. I did care about readership in my earlier blogs. Now I don’t. The ‘zero comments’ on all the posts I write are proof. And as much as I enjoy it, I have nothing worthwhile to say after I read a post. So I just don’t bother.
But then I realise, it isn’t just about me. It is also about the million bloggers I adore. If they have been writing regularly and entertaining me all this while, perhaps I should let them know how much I enjoy their blogs. They deserve to hear it. It is only fair. And oh, the other thing I realise – people still count their comments and enjoy all the fame. They still wan’t to know who it is that invisibly lurks in their worlds.
So, here I come. If I read you, I am going to acknowledge your awesomeness. If I totally love reading you, I might even mail you and let you know. It is time I drop my cloak and step out. I only hope the sunshine doesn’t blind me.

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