A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

Onsite Opportunity – A book review

Posted by Pepper on September 29, 2012

I don’t usually do book reviews. As much as I love reading books, I don’t really enjoy writing about them. Perhaps because I fear destroying the impact of the book, by using words that don’t fully convey its essence. This book though, is special. The author of this book, Mukul Kumar got in touch with me and asked me if I’d like to review his book on my blog. If I did, he would send me a copy. I have an insatiable appetite for books. So obviously, I was terribly excited. Moreover, I had read the book review on Sharell’s blog, and she had only good things to say about it. So I was waiting for my copy to arrive in the mail.

Within a few days, I had the book in my hands. I read it in one go, and let me tell you, I am not disappointed. This book is about ‘Onsite Opportunities’, offered to people in the software industry. The synopsis of the book told me I would be able to relate to it. I do have a lot of friends working in the IT world. In fact, the BFF spent many years in an IT company, before she decided to do an MBA and switch fields. Mint’s brother, Oregano, is also currently working in the IT industry. So yes, I already had an idea of what their lives are all about.

Onsite Opportunity is a book that gives you a dose of reality. Ganga, and a bunch of his colleagues end up in projects that take them to foreign countries. They are starry eyed Indians, excited by the possibilities their futures hold. As the book progresses, you find yourself relating to most of their experiences. On more than one occasion  I found myself saying, ‘Oh yes, that happened to me too when I stepped out of India’. It talks about Indians,who have always lived in a cocoon , and how they cope with the differences in culture.

The book also describes the desperate measures people take to grab that Onsite Opportunity. It makes you wonder and think why most Indians are enamoured by the West. How worth it it is. Do we end up disappointed? Or addicted to their ways?

Mukul Kumar has done a great job. The language is simple. The book is a light hearted read. At the same I would call it insightful as Mukul takes you to the countries he has traveled to. Since India is currently under the software/IT spell, I would say most people will be able to relate to the book.  If you are looking for a breezy read, I’d say this is the book for you.

13 Responses to “Onsite Opportunity – A book review”

  1. swatimital said

    Interesting. Thanks for the review.

  2. Ashwathy said

    Ganga is a HE? Hmmm…! 😐 😛 😀

  3. Deeps said

    I think its a good book to be gifted to my brother who is a software engineer, he may appreciate it more than me :D. Noting it down to pick up for him 🙂

  4. Will def read this, thanks girl!

  5. Sharell said

    Glad you enjoyed it!

  6. I’ve heard of this book many times now to not read 🙂 I hope it’s available here in the library.

    Btw, I’m still catching up on all your posts! Sigh! I can’t believe how far behind I am!

    • Pepper said

      You really should read it. If it is not available in the library, I recommend buying it. It’s very affordable and totally worth it. Good to keep new authors in business 🙂
      And hey, you’ve been gone for so long. I bet you have a lot to catch up. 😀 You were missed.

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