A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

What do you do for fun?

Posted by Pepper on August 2, 2011

I love playing around. So the other day, Mint and I decided to play hopscotch in our living room. And ‘langdi‘. And ‘catch catch’. Our living room is not big enough. And with my pathetic reflexes, he was able to get me out really fast. When it was my turn to chase him, I didn’t even manage to come close. I should have known! A cousin of mine saw us playing once and said we behave like kids, forgetting we are married. ‘Or what is it? A child marriage?’, she asked. We decided to ignore her. As long as we have fun, who cares?

A little while before that, I decided I was Ms. Hitler. Mint used one of my eye pencils to create this. I even tried getting the right ‘Hitlerish’ expression on my face, but I am not sure how much of that is seen here.


And today, I spent a while playing with this pet of mine.

It’s pretty isn’t it? *Grins* Did you guess it was fake? I bought it from China town. And although I know it is not real, I almost got a heart attack the first few times I saw it. Today I decided to conquer my fear and hold it in my hand. And then I spent some time playing with it. Of course, you see how mature I am.

In other news, we’ve been awarded. Richa presented me with this award. Thanks a lot Richa, I am truly honoured. Its funny though, that I accept an award like that while writing such an inane and senseless post. But then maybe my crazy behaviour is food for thought eh?

I pass on the award to AbiΒ and Celestial Rays. Both of them are wonderful writers and make me think.

52 Responses to “What do you do for fun?”

  1. Bikram said

    πŸ™‚ the fun would be to have a live one in hand … GO on try it .. waise did you know cockroaches are the cleanest of the animals , they might live in filth but they are CLEAN ..

    congrats on the award..

    The hitler pic looks good …

  2. R's Mom said

    1. Congrats on the award
    2. I love playing langdi in the drawing room…you dont have to fall in front of others in the building at least πŸ™‚
    3. I loved the hilter wala moochi..cute hai na…R does moochi with my hair on my upper lip..and its not cute in anyway 😦
    4. I am not scared of roaches…the fake one you have is cute…I wish I could use it on someone I dont like πŸ™‚

    And what do I do for fun

    Pre-baby – talk to RD, read, sleep (In descending order of priority)

    Post-baby – R antics, R antics, R antics

    • Pepper said

      Lol.. I do it on my upper lip with my hair too πŸ˜›
      You are one of the few people here who find the cockroach cute ..
      Post baby life sounds like a lot more fun to me πŸ˜€

  3. Richa said

    Funny post! Its great idea to play langdi taang with ur hubby. Haha..
    But I am hearing such a thing coming from a married couple for the first time. But it must be fun!

  4. LOL @ the Hitleresque mush
    This is so much like the OH and me – we keep playing around, goofing all day, much to the irritation of my mom. Sometimes, just to annoy mom.
    ‘kuzhandai illadha veetula kazhavan thulli vilayadaran’ says mom, when we do such childish things. It is a saying in Tamil that means ‘in a house where there are no kids, an old man plays around, thinking that he is a child’. πŸ˜›

  5. ajay said

    You reminded me of hopscotch. We used to call it ‘kit kit’. That roach looks so alive! Are you sure it’s not real? πŸ˜€

  6. anuthati said

    congrats on receiving the award.. Hitlerish look is not seen yar.. but ur mustache looks cute.. i did think ur pet is real and was wondering what made u select pest as ur pet.. thank god u told its not real.. πŸ™‚
    i did write a post on ” how we met”..

  7. Scorpria said

    EEEEK at the roach (couldnt see any of the intended Ms Hitler effects in the first pic, so no eeek fr tht :D).

    Gee…we play catch catch too — and I shriek all the time, coz the very thought of him catching up with me makes me go “eeeee” πŸ˜€

    Congrats on the award. I thought I made you “think” all the time πŸ˜› πŸ˜€

    • Pepper said

      Lol! I love the idea of you shrieking. I know, its hard to not shriek when you’re being chased πŸ˜€
      You do make me think πŸ˜€ ..Go pick up the award! I wanted to give it away to so many people, but wasn’t sure of the way they’d respond.

  8. S said

    kidssssss only you are!


    i had a fake lizard (got it free with Rasna :P) it looked so real.. i actually scared a real lizard with it once..

  9. Aww thank you so much Peps! I thought the cockroach was real 😐

    We play too! While everybody calls us the pass-outs of Sadhana school of mentally challenged, we still play πŸ˜› Locking horns, jumping on the bed, peek a boo, hide and seek, wolverine and card games πŸ˜€

    I also give give him a taaji after a haircut πŸ˜›

    We 4 can easily go on a double date and drive the rest of the world nuts πŸ˜€

  10. I wouldn’t even dream of holding a cockroach, real or fake! There’s something about them which makes my skin crawl!

    • Pepper said

      LOL! I know.. I thought I’d never be able to do it either. It took me a few months to convince myself this was plastic and I could hold it..

  11. Titaxy said

    omg, that thing is so scary. fake or not – it is scary and you are a brave girl for holding it πŸ˜‰

  12. bini said

    Yes I know that black thing very well.You finally held it “Applauds”

  13. LOL, you look like a cute Hitler πŸ™‚ Do enjoy things that make you laugh together, those are the days you will remember rest of your life. So even if it is childish games do it..its fun πŸ™‚

  14. Is it pretty?!! no its not πŸ˜› (no offense to pepper’s pet :D) …
    Yea, we get a lot of you guys behave like kids too .. esp coz we have such kiddish nick names for each other, and end up making funny faces at each other, sometimes forgetting there are people around us! but i do take that as a compliment…being like a kid is better than being an adult, i think πŸ˜€

    • Pepper said

      What you don’t find it pretty? C’mon.. look at it again. It’s beautiful πŸ˜›
      I think being a kid is a lot better than being an adult too πŸ˜€

  15. LOL!! You two really rock. Hopscotch in the living room? Never thought of such a brilliant idea before.

    For the catch-catch game, why not just go and run around in the parking lot? Did that few years back πŸ˜›

    Is that your Hitlerish expression?? Bwahhaha! Hilarious.

    Congratulations on the award. well deserved Pepper πŸ™‚

  16. Scribby said

    you know post my delivery one day me and H were playing catch catch in our living room..and the elders present there shoo their heads in disappointment for obvious reasons,huh ! for all such things I ask only one simple question to these people: where is it written that only children CAN play these games? or these games are ONLY for children? …

    any way..the cockroach is nakli I guessed it cause I know you would never dare to do that with a real one..of course I remember that mouse wala post when Mint was away and you got stuck on your bed πŸ˜€

    but you’re certainly brave to have taken it in your hands so what if it’s nakli…I couldn’t 😦 and would never try !

    congrats on the award..by the way where have you been?

    • Scribby said

      by the way I love the bracelet πŸ™‚

      • Pepper said

        You’re right. But one of the rules in the books of adulthood apparently bans you from playing. Stupid no?
        Wow.. you remember that post! You’re smart πŸ˜€
        Thank you .. πŸ™‚
        I’ve been busy yaar. Don’t get much time these days..
        Thanks, that’s a bangle.. πŸ™‚

  17. Chindi Chitranna said

    I know it’s off topic…but
    I *love* your bracelet!

  18. Swaram said

    Oh whatz life without all that fun πŸ™‚
    Luv the hitler-waala mooch!
    And congrats on the award!

  19. Tan said

    I have been reading your blog for quite sometime now. I love the way you write and your posts are really versatile. Keep writing πŸ™‚

  20. Tanishka said

    Congratulations for the award gal…. πŸ™‚
    The cockroach looks almost real…. Unless I din’t read the whole thing I was really shocked…. πŸ˜€

    PS – Your bracelet looks very pretty…. πŸ™‚

    • Pepper said

      I should have probably not told you guys its a fake cockroach then. The reactions would have been fun πŸ˜€
      Thank you! I got that silver bangle when I got married. Thought I should buy such stuff instead of piling on gold that i would never use..

  21. Sig said

    Hahahahah love it πŸ˜€

    Evs and I are the same and my parents are always telling us to ‘settle down’ πŸ˜›

  22. Ashwathy said

    Marriage does not come with an instruction manual as to how u shud behave pre- and post! πŸ˜› πŸ™„ Like seriously!
    My dad – once when he caught me using baby talk with him post marriage – told me that now I’m married so I should behave like that!! Er…what? The whole beauty of it is that you dont have to change just coz u r married – that’s my take on it! πŸ˜€

    Enjoy all the childishness u want and stay blessed coz u have a husband who supports it….. πŸ™‚

  23. I MISSED seeing this post! and when I saw the post on divz, i had no clue that you had given me the award too *does a jig*

    thanks so much pepper!

  24. Deboshree said

    Gosh, I did not guess it was fake. I was about to salute your bravery. πŸ˜›

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