A dash of Pepper…

…with a splash of Mint

Happy Week – Day 2

Posted by Pepper on June 3, 2014

With Mint away in the US, it has been a few weeks since I have moved in with my parents. I love living at home for obvious reasons. All my needs are looked after. I am well aware of the oversolicitous attention I get from my mom and dad and how much they pamper me. Yet, each time I feel amazed by the depth of their love and care.

It is no news that I share a room with my sister when I am home.  We dance to crazy songs at night, tire ourselves out and chat until we fall asleep. However, the past few days we’ve been a little agitated. The remote of the AC in our room stopped working. We can’t leave the AC on the whole night because we can’t afford to the room gets too cold in a few hours. When we turn it off, it gets too hot again in an hour or two. So we need to turn it on again. Come night, and the sister and I start negotiating. Who will keep waking up to operate the AC? Getting out of bed to turn the AC on or off is not fun. We keep passing on the chore to the other.

One morning, we woke up feeling harrowed. Mom asked us what the matter was. We told her neither of us had had a pleasant night. It was too hot without the AC and yet, we were too lazy to climb out of bed to turn it on. So we tolerated the heat and kept sighing and kicking out our summer quilts. We didn’t sleep too well. She sympathised and we moved on.

Last night, we slept with the AC on. The plan was for one of us to wake up and turn the AC off when the room got too cold. I hoped the sister would do it. The sister hoped I would do it. We fell asleep without really making a decision. In a few hours, I noticed the AC had been turned off. I mentally thanked my sister for doing it. When I stirred again a few hours later, I noticed the AC was on again and the room was perfectly cool. Great. Finally, when I was half awake at the crack of dawn, I saw a dark figure enter the room to turn off the AC. It was mom! I realised it was her who had been working our AC all along. Although I was half asleep and dazed, I was stunned by her actions.

On hearing that her children had had a rough night, my mother decided to take it upon herself to ensure we slept well. I couldn’t get over the fact that she woke up every 2 hours or so and walked to our room to turn the AC on and off for us. And the sis and I thought getting out of bed in the middle of the night itself was a herculean task.

I wonder how parents do it. I doubt I have the capacity to  love my child in the same way. My sleep is too precious to me. I don’t know if I will be a good enough parent. But for now, I know I am very fortunate for I have been the recipient of such unbridled love.

59 Responses to “Happy Week – Day 2”

  1. The things mothers do 🙂 infact parents do for us :). Your mom is a darling Pepper 🙂

  2. scorpria said

    I just could not do my usual after reading this post (I normally lurk around your blog, read and then silently go off without commenting).

    Please please please give your mom a tight tiiiiight hug from me? 🙂 Tell her I would worship her! She is addddorable!

  3. Bhavani said

    Awww So sweet..Moms are the best!!

  4. Shweta said

    Such sweetness!!! They don’t call mother’s love ‘ unconditional’ for nothing…

  5. Ranjini said

    Happy week is a good idea 🙂
    OK wait. AC fight? You do know that you have to abide by the sis-code right? And the code says, it’s (always) the older of the two siblings who acquire the honorable ownership to turn off/ on – AC, fan, alarm, geyser & lights, the moment they are born first. Not kiddin’ at all.

    • Pepper said

      What, what, what? No! You got the code all wrong. The honorable ownership of all such tasks always lies with the younger sibling. It is what I have drilled into the sister’s head from the time she could comprehend and understand. You have got the wrong idea! 😮

      • aarya said

        I think the code was that elder sibling ‘decides’ who is worthy of ownership of such honorable tasks. At least that’s what my Di always told me. Or was it the other way round as Ranjini says. She sounds just like my little sis. I am the middle one- sandwich banake rakh diya mera. 😐

  6. renxkyoko said

    Like my Mom ! !

  7. Bikramjit said

    Well that why they are parents.. They are the best always..

    Once you 😊 get there I am sure you will be doing that tooooo.. wait and watch..

    Hope you had a pleasant sleep..

    Send the heat this way it is cold here supposed to be summer..

    Go out and blow with all your might this way…

  8. Moms are the best. Don’t worry I always thought my sleep was precious too. But now that I am mom I know I get more pleasure and happiness ensuring my daughter sleeps better, I don’t mind scarifying some sleep . Also I have reached a place in my life where she sleeps and I am struggling with sleep.

  9. Whoa! Mothers!

  10. Deepa said

    Awwww….how utterly selfless and sweet is that, sacrificing her own sleep just so her laadlis can zzz…… See this is why I dearly miss my mum and wish I could just export her here.

    I wonder who is going to do this switch on and off thingie when you move back to your place. Mint or you:-)(naughty glint in my eyes

  11. The Bride said

    I also wonder how parents do it. My mum is that kind of mum. I’m not. There are things I do and there are things I don’t do. And that’s okay. Our mums were supermums, it’s okay if we’re not.

    • Pepper said

      Yes, I suppose. Best to accept ourselves for who we are. Just hope I don’t feel let down by myself in future though. Especially considering I’ve seen my own mother set such high standards.

    • NityaNitya said

      ^^ Completely with Bride on this. And I have always been ok with the fact that I am not a super mom haha 🙂

  12. Tatsat said

    Man! Its so difficult being a parent. Universe is giving me all kind of signs of late 😦 How can one care so much, consistently, without any assurance of returns? I mean that is what separates us from the West- individualistic and collectivist cultures, taught me in Socio101.
    The question remains: is it all worth it from an objective point of view? There are no answers…

    • Pepper said

      So true! The part about no assurance of returns. I wonder how all the giving seems worth it to a parent.
      However, I am not sure I will agree entirely with the generalization on the cultures. I know a lot of American mothers who’d behave the same way..

      • Tatsat said

        I agree its rather too simplistic to put forth India as a collectivist culture, or West as individualistic, and there is lot more globalisation has changed. But on a loose basis, I guess that holds true even now.
        That apart, I have a sister who faces similar dilemmas. So, can relate…

  13. R's Mom said

    Aiyo your mom is the best…honestly, I dont think I will do it for my brat….*Salutes Pepper’s Mom*

  14. Give a big bear hug to your Mum from me and get that AC remote fixed okie 😛 😛

    • Pepper said

      Hug will be given. AC remote can’t be fixed it seems 😦 Even a new one is not available. So strange. Looks like we haev to live with this.

  15. Boiling said

    So touched! Get a new remote ASAP!

    • Pepper said

      New remote not available! 😦 😦

      • Boiling said

        Arey, that is ridiculous. How can the company not have spare remotes or there are no universal AC remotes available for sale?

        • Pepper said

          The problem is, our bedroom has an ‘assembled’ AC. That means it is a cheap AC that doesn’t belong to any company / brand. Somebody has assembled all the parts individually and turned it into one whole functional unit. It works pretty damn well, but now that the remote has stopped working, the guy who assembled it says he can’t fix that. And a new one is not available either. I don’t get it myself 😐 Have any idea what we should do?

          • Boiling said

            Oh I see. Do you have any place selling universal remotes for air con. Many people who have spoilt remotes buy these universal remotes to operate for their air con rather than buy that brand’s remote which will work out to be very expensive. I could ask around and see if universal remote works only for certain brands.I am not too knowledgeable about these kind of things.

            Also, you would need to determine if the remote is spoilt or whatever part in aircon taking signal from remote is spoilt right?

            • Pepper said

              That’s right. I’ve no idea what exactly is faulty. Unfortunately, I am totally dependent on the information given to me by the people who deal with the AC. He said he is going to try getting us another universal remote, and will see if any aircon part is faulty. We’re quite desperate to fix this!

  16. Sunshine said

    Moms are amazing! Period. 🙂

    I love the happy week posts ur doing! De-lurking to appreciate #happiness! 🙂

  17. hehe! Parents are like that only and our super heroes. Glad to read the fun post bout sisters’ bonding and dancing at night. We should never lose the child in us and happy that both of u are enjoying life to the hilt:)

  18. ashreyamom said

    thats so sweet of mom na.. generally i am also lazy to things and keep pushing hubby to do it. But when my daughter asks for it, I do it without a complaint.. may be thats how that nature works.. 🙂

  19. NityaNitya said

    Peps, I read your blog regularly, dont comment that often simply because I am that lazy. But this..big lump in throat when i read it..reminds me of my mom, she might have done something similar 🙂
    Big hugs to your mom…
    I am with Bride on this – there are some things I do, somethings I dont. Its ok if you arent a supermom like your mom , I promise Pepper 🙂

    • Pepper said

      I suppose I have all these expectations from myself because I am not a parent yet. Once I become one, most of my standards will change (or fall) I suspect. 🙂

  20. Wow! Your mom is ultra sweet! My folks are spending the last few days of their visit with us in NYC and I have been subjected to such random bits of kindness from them these last 2 weeks. Stuff that is so small and minor, just to save me trouble or ease my burdens but stuff that only a parent will do. This had me nodding along and made me smile so much and also brought a lump to my throat as they are leaving this Friday!

    • Pepper said

      Oh, live it up while the parents are there. I remember that feeling, the countdown before my parents would leave and go back to India. Can so relate to you. Big hugs!

  21. MR said

    wow you have an amazing patient mom. now i feel bad, I refused to get up and do night changing/feeding for my 2nd one. The first one we both shared dutied evenly, Witht he 2nd one that was a pre-condition to me having a kid. I refused to get up inthe middle of the night. I’m not usually mean and love my kids but i”m paranoid about my nights sleep… and my husband can usually fall right back to sleep ( or so he claims) and doesnt mind getting up ( so he says) so i had a great sleep , even nowadays my 2nd is 8 yrs and when she is sick, daddy gets up. mommy does only if he needs help.. sigh i sound like such a shrew….

    • Pepper said

      MR, you sound perfectly normal. Most parents sound way too angelic and unreal to me. Thankfully, some others remind me of the fact that being a parent doesn’t automatically bestow you with the ‘angelic’ gene.
      I’ll have to say the same about myself. I NEED my night sleep. Mint on the other hand can just go on without sleep. So most of those night time duties when we have kids will be passed on to him.

  22. aarya said

    please give a big hug to Auntie for me, Pepper. Only mummy-papa are capable of such unconditional love.

  23. PK said

    All I can say, your mom is sweet and so are most mom’s. As a daughter, I am happy I am able to do my bit for her now that she needs my care. Two weeks back she was with me for her cataract and I was the one waking up to see if she is comfortable and sleeping without any pain. So all I can say is that when mothers are so giving daughters automatically become givers. It is in the genes. if I may say so 🙂

    • Pepper said

      You’re right, PK! It gives me immense satisfaction to be able to do my bit for my parents too. Infact, it is that factor alone that makes this whole R2I so worth it 🙂
      And hey, I love the idea of those genes being passed on. Hopefully, my future daughter will be writing such blogposts about me someday. Lol!

  24. I felt so touched and can relate to this post Pepper. My father always did that – cover us with sheet, get the sheet off, change fan speed and my mother would magically appear when we were sick and needed something, without even asking for it. The best part, they still do 🙂 such a beautiful post…. little things to them but means everything to us 🙂

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